

Chicago, Illinois

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
At the age of 10 I'd written a poem that I submitted in a contest by the 4-H Club down in Memphis Tennessee. My poem was chosen and I won 1st place -that day changed my life forever. I’ve always had a huge imagination and knew that one day I wanted to be an Author. I was a dreamer back then and still one today at---well lets just say I'm all grown up- no stranger to the literary community- have numerous titles in print and a true testament that dreams do come true. Currently I'm working on more titles to add to my existing catalog of books as I continue to tour and lecture across the country. To learn more about me and some other books/projects go to

What I crave... I love to write drama, and suspense stories that capture you from the very first page and lock you in to a journey you won't soon forget, but will find yourself laughing at the memories you recall. Are you ready...?

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  • Morningmoon

    Hello Dena,
    Hope you are enjoying your day :) That is fine with me... when ever you are ready just let me know.

    By the way, I am thinking of getting my book republished by a publishing company and I have NO idea how to go about it lol
    If you could direct me or know of someone who would be willing to have a look at it, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Now my dear... it is a bright and COLD day here... me thinks me will have to put down a fire in the ole harth. Till next time... be well with my love extended to you.
  • Morningmoon

  • Morningmoon