Peter Nennhaus

95, Male

Sugar Grove

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I published "Quo Vadis, Israel?" which deals with Israel's future and suggests, the best move for Israel is to move to greener acres. In fact, I have a land in mind and it would be a perfect homeland for the Israelis, better than their current one. I also published a book called "Boyhood" some years back, which describes my youth in Berlin during WW II. I am a retired surgeon. My interests include history, old and recent, etymology, classical music, and I paint pictures in watercolor, pastel, and oil.

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  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Peter,

    Thank you for sharing your book with me! I hope you would please consider advertising your book in our featured books section of our website. Also, check out our new book feature Full Circle: Escape from Baghdad and the Return. The book chronicles a prominent Iraqi Jewish family's escape from persecution through the journey of one family member.
  • Michelle

    Just wanted to say HI and congrats on the publication of your book.

    Grace and Peace,
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