


Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My book has been haunting me for since 2004 when my life changed from the somewhat normal life of a sole parent of 3 children, to being thrust into a spiritual awakening that has found me as the Guardian of an Ascension Frequency that was gifted through me on my 44th birthday and my life has been accelerated since that moment into one that just a few short years ago I would have thought too "way out there" to be believable. I must write the book, the story is all there and so much to tell, but I am so busy as my life speeds up seemingly faster and faster every day as my path unfolds into one of a global nature of service. I don't even really know where to start, so I guess I was lead here to get me started. I joined without realising I had joined and then saw what the site was and thought to myself..."maybe this is it, maybe this is what will help me get started.........." all will be revealed. I hope to get back here soon to learn where to start... starting is the key, I've fought it long enough..........

Comment Wall:

  • John Hachmann

    The same to you. Thank you for accepting me. I would like to talk sometime about what you do to promote your work. I have three books out now and that is the toughest part to me, getting the word out.