Samie Foster


Spokane, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Hi I'm Samie Foster and as far as interest go, I just love to write You could say 'm a been eccentric about it. I've been writing since I was ten years old, but just now found a way to publish my work with having to spend thousands of dollars per book. I also am a complete book worm, it somewhat started to the ocassional insomia that I have. I love movies, and probally can tell you the biography of any currently rising independent filmmaker. Don't ask why. I'm just weird that way. And your probally going this person sounds odd but hey, my friends say that I'm odd, so I'm used to it. But my friends also say that I will make it on New York Times Bestseller someday I really not sure if that ill ever happen, but it would be nice. But will tell you one thing I love. I love sucess stories of one individual making something out of their self, like the story of Starbucks, or these current independent film makers who have worked their way up from nothing. I just hate the idea of all these big people stepping on the little guy. I guess that is what giving so much hope and determination with my books

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Ed Slack

    Thanks for adding me as a friend Samie! Good luck with your submissions, got my fingers crossed for you. All the Best.
  • Fernando Sobenes

    Hello Samie. My name is Fernando Sobenes and I want to invite you to read the prologue and the first two chapters of my novel: "The Evil Visitor" in my blog The Evil Visitor

    Also you can watch the book trailer.

    Best regards,


  • 4-LAN


    Wow! You have been quite busy! I followed your link and read a little of your horror story House of the Rising Sun. Very interesting material. Do you do your own editing? I know that an editor can be very expensive. Right now, my girlfriend is my editor. I priced professionals and they are definitely out of my range.

    Will visit your site again and read some more of your stuff. I love fantasy, sci-fi and horror.

