Susan Rae Baker


Bridgeville, DE

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Susan Rae Baker is a Life and Business Coach who holds her certification through the Certified Coaches Alliance (CCA).
Life and Business Coach, Motivational Speaker, Published Author and Nationally known Expert for, and quest speaker on Regular guest appearances include local NBC, CBS and Comcast stations along with nationally known Radio Talk Shows speaking about ”How to Attract and Retain Great Employees, “Retaining employees without spending money”, Burning down Silos and Tearing up Turf Wars. Also, interviews around “The Last Box, A Women’s Guide to Surviving Corporate America and The Top Ten Signs You Are in The Wrong Job!
Member of the International Coaching Federation.
Susan Rae Baker has become a most respected and engaging speaker, teacher and leader in the field of Life and Business Coaching. Susan is bringing forth positive change in people who would otherwise remain stuck in a rut of indecision. Her inspirational workshops have brought an awareness of life and business coaching to the eastern shores of Delaware, Maryland and returning to New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.
Susan Rae Baker’s aspiration in life is to help people become what they were designed to be, so that they can live a happy, fulfilling and successful life. Susan’s other passion is to make a strong positive impact on the way Corporate America views their employees as she unravels the internal destructive competitiveness within.
Susan’s latest accomplishment was to add Author to her resume with the publication of “The Last Box” A Women’s Guide to Surviving Corporate America. She has taken over 30 years of life experience and packed it into a very engaging, thought provoking book that is sure to not only entertain, but to bring an awareness to women in the working world or about to enter it, of the personalities that they would like to aspire to or run from.
Susan’s greatest professional love next to writing is Motivational Speaking, which one will find her to be uplifting, encouraging, inspiring and tons of fun. She has taken the art of speaking to a whole new level that leaves one feeling as though they have not just learned something new, but also leaves people filled with joy and inspiration.

This Book was inspired by all the employers in my lifetime that either added to my knowledge and skills sets or sent me home in tears. As you read through this, I hope that one can find themselves in my story and be able to take away from it, some life changing, soul stirring , jaw dropping, thought provoking realizations that life is what you make it, not what it makes you!
My goal was to create a book that would be a guide for women in the workplace or about to enter it. By sharing my journey and telling you about the people you will meet, I hope to shorten your learning curve and the path to success. Through this book, I hope to help other women achieve their true potential, and to be the person that God created them to be. You were not just another baby that was born, you were and are something very special and it’s time you found out just who you were meant to be.
As you join me on this Journey, remember that there are no failures in life, just successes. Failures are just baby steps that we all must take to become something more.
For those women with the Entrepreneurial spirit, I hope that The Last Box will provide you with the courage to take that Leap of Faith into exiting the corporate world and into your world.
Entrepreneurialism is not for everyone. For those women who intend to stay in the corporate world, I hope that this book will be a constant resource for you to keep you headed in the right direction and away from the wrong people.

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