Gladys Hobson



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I trained for dress designing in Nottingham clothing factories, turned freelance, trained in Primary School teaching, trained for Church Ministry, retired and now write full time.
My son set up Magpies Nest Publishing for my books:
an illustrated book of my childhood memories, "When Phones Were Immobile and Lived in RED BOXES." (Sold out. Have just done a New Edition with 40 more pages)
"Awakening Love" "Seduction By Design" and "Checkmate" make up a trilogy, which was published by Dare Empire and is now to be published by Turquoise Morning Press later this year (at time of writing this - Sept. 2012) They are also publishing Smouldering Embers.
The Dark Mirror (was When Angels Lie) is to be published by Storm Moon Press later this year (2012)
"Still Waters Run Deep, short stories of hidden depths was published in 2008 by my own Magpies Nest Publishing.

Two chapters of each book, plus reviews and details can be seen by visiting Also, some short stories can be read at
Wrinkly Writers is my web site and my author site for all my books here and the USA at
Please do visit my latest web site (created with the help of a kindly Australian fan) which shows lovely photographs of the the magical English Lake District — the setting for my latest hot Romance — and there you will read how the story interweaves with the photographed scenery.

I sure do wish I could understand and use all this twitter stuff etc and everything else that connects and helps sell books. Every time I try something new I get my bloomers in a twist!

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  • DJ

    Hi Gladys,
    I hope all is well. Thanks for your kind words!

  • Dare Empire eMedia Productions

    Lol Thanks Gladys, I am slowly getting some very talented Authors to work with and do great things.. Hopefully I will attract more talent during my Seeking Submissions campaign!
  • Dare Empire eMedia Productions


    I see that your works are (correct me if I'm wrong) in Print format only?

    Dare Empire is basically an ebook publishing house, so I would be VERY interested in securing the digital rights to your titles? Maybe even possibly re-releasing with new covers ect and have them in all my retail affiliate stores worldwide..

    Please email me direct
    I am very interested!

    Justin James