Stacey T Pollock



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Something About Me and My Book:
Having spent 10 years personally studying subjects relating to life and development, I am now ready to present to the world my own personal perception of creation and the reason why it exists. I have spent many years researching topics surrounding the organisation of the material world and current perceptions and ideas surrounding our purpose here as humans in this world. It has been purely a personal interest for me to delve into areas of creation and to create a path for myself to discover answers to my own long awaited questions.

Not only do I have a personal interest in life creation but also in other areas of study that I have pursued through forms of art, graphic design, painting and three dimensional studies. My work in life has also lead me towards new insights into creation theory through my time working with others in many various jobs, one involving time spent with the aged and dying.

I will continue to search out and discover through my interest in travelling and meeting people from all walks of life and I am now presiding in the Netherlands having formerly lived in Australia in my former years. I will be always ready to explore and discover new ways in seeing my world and will continue to enjoy relating to others my insights into what I have myself discovered and conceptualised.

Writing is an art form that I enjoy and I seek only but to share with others my personal discoveries and knowledge. I have much more to share and will be continuing well into the future with expressing and writing about all that I have come to understand as my own truth.

My philosophy in life is that all is perception and that everything is in the mind. I fully believe that there are true answers to all that we wish to know, that we only have to find out what the core truth is within all that is being created around us.

There is a reason for all that is created and if you too have an interest in creation, then join me on my journey through my own personal discovery and maybe you too will find answers to some long awaited questions?

For more information about my personal experiences and philosophy visit through to my website at:

About The Author

Book: "Creation Theory Revised"

Creation Theory Revised explores all areas of matter creation, how we are formed from the original elements through to the complex nature of our physical bodies and how they are shaped within matter. Through self exploration and study, a new method has been devised to see how the original structure of creation is formed. Looking at creation from the original spark all the way to the formation of our three dimensional state. Whether delving into the mind and consciousness, the dimensions of space, material matter formation, force, mass or time, this book focuses on the basic foundations in the most informative way. It also highlights detailed information with organized diagrams, making it easy for everyone to follow the journey through the formation of this uniquely formed creation model.

Newest book: "The Mind and Matter"

‘The Mind and Matter’, the second book in the mind and creation series, by Stacey T Pollock, delves into more defined areas of creation in relation to how we view life through feelings and emotions, leading to the formation of personality and our singular perception of the material matter world to where we exist. It endeavors to give insight into areas of space that exist in the material world that do not have any known physical understanding such as triggers, electrical impulses and pheromone, that can enhance our ability to order our material world and find means in which to communicate and express our desires. This leads into exploring areas of the mind in relation to sickness, limitation within matter, ethics and values, philosophies and purpose of life, showing that this book is a true exploration from the author’s own desire to find value and meaning for life and creation.

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