Ray Clements (J.B.)


Newburyport, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I was fortunate to attend the cultural melting pot of Boston University in the early 70's. As senior class president I graduated with both a major in Business Administration and a concentration in Philosophy/Religious Studies.

Since graduation I have spent 30 years trying to balance compassion/morality with corporate success/capitalism; finally succeeding with the publication of my new book, "Zor".

"Zor" explores the relationship between philosophy, spirituality, and science by asking one simple question; where do you turn when life's core beliefs become suspect?

That is the dilemma confronting Jonathan Brewster, a middle aged money manager from Boston, whose "chance" meeting with a Haitian dwarf named Zor, spirals out of control. Forced to defend his life in a series of intense debates concerning negative ch'i, emotional addictions, neuron networks, placebos, vipassana meditation, the collective unconscious, laws of attraction, sub-atomic entanglement, Nietzche, metta, God, and happiness; John is reluctantly drawn to a new reality.

Rising above his crisis of conscience he restructures his life for the greater good, only to be challenged by the ultimate betrayal.

I am currently living seaside, in a picturesque New England community with my wife and son, and remain convinced the movement that captured a nation in the late 60's is still very much alive. "What's so wrong with peace, love, and understanding?"

Comment Wall:

  • Kate L

    Welcome :)