Dorothy Goins

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am so proud to be acclaimed as the National Best-selling author of two novels, A Woman Scorn'd and the currently re-released fiction novel, Married Man. Awarded as Best New Author in 2007 by Infini Promoters on May 18, 2007, I also received the award for "Best Female Author for 2006" through Disilgold Soul at the 2007 Book Expo of America in New York on June 2, 2007.

The current re-release of my first novel, Married Man has received rave reviews as an explosive read. One can not forsee, let alone imagine the dilemmas Kendra Davis must face after re-sparking a relationship from nine years prior with the now married, Miles Jordan...not unless you pick up a copy and find out, that is.

My third book release, A DAY WITHOUT BEAUTY is due out the summer of 2008. Please be on the lookout for this dynamic read.

On a more serious note, please allow me to share this important matter with you. Through vigorous campaigning, interviews and successfully landing air talk on several radio stations throughout the Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Maryland areas I have managed to widely spread the word on domestic violence. The impact of losing a loved one to such a violent and malicious crime has sparked my persistence to spread the word and to promote awareness on an issue that is being ignored by many and taken ever so lightly by so many others in our communities.

I have committed my campaigning to the months of October through December to connect with shelters, transitional housing programs and any other affiliation that is serious about assisting in the fight against "violence." My novel, A Woman Scorn'd is dedicated to my sister-in-law's memory and has done extremely well in the market since its release.

To join or connect with my purpose, please go to my website and read more on the cause at You may also connect and share your thoughts with me on my blog at You are also welcome to stop by and visit me at

Email me at: «

Comment Wall:

  • Tonya Jones

    God Bless! I am reaching out to all self-publishing author! My ministry is hosting the 1st Christian Book and Product Expo in Willingboro New Jersey Saturday May 17th, 2008. Please check out further information at:
    God Bless
    Minister Tonya Jones
  • Sabriena Williams

    I am really impressed with your work thus far. I am a inspiring writer.
    Your success has given me the extra wind beneath my wings to soar even higher in faith. I am going out today to get your book " married man"Is it in Books - a -Million ?