


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Shackles is the story of one woman's battle to walk free from 34 years of abuse - ending her silence and and how she shaped and determined a life of non-abuse since breaking free.

Malaika Cohen is a strong and well-adjusted woman, despite the traumatic life she experienced at the hands of an abusive and alcoholic father and husband and a subsequent long-term abusive relationship.

A single mother of three daughters, she proudly refers to herself as a survivor of domestic abuse, not a victim. Since writing her harrowing story in a book entitled SHACKLES published last year, and dealing with the after-effects of abuse on her children, she has valiantly battled to raise awareness of this appalling crime that claims two lives every week in the United Kingdom and cuts across class, race and gender.

Malaika’s credibility will speak to victims of domestic abuse because she has already walked a mile in their shoes. She has proved it is possible to walk in freedom both physically and emotionally and a large part of that release has been the ability to forgive those who abused her.

"God gave me the strength to break free and I believe sent people and angels to help me at precisely the moment I needed them. I trust him to uphold me in that freedom."

Born in East Germany in 1968 growing up in a nation that had been living under the dark cloud of communism for over two decades - behind the concrete curtain THE BERLIN WALL. A dictatorship and the secret police - the Stasi kept her and her fellow countrymen and women behind a concrete curtain known as the famous BERLIN WALL.

Malaika wants to see generational abuse broken and innocent children set free from this destructive cycle.
Following recent visits to prison to help with a Restorative Justice scheme, where perpetrators of this crime are confronted with the consequences of their actions, she has been busy seeking sponsors to place a copy of her book in every prison in the United Kingdom.

"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to LOVE their mother!" ---Theodore Hesburgh

Comment Wall:

  • Ron Adams

    Congratulations on being not just a survivor, but a victor over the "Shackles" placed on your life. It would be a pleasure and my honor to be your friend.

    Ron Adams
  • Sandy

    Hi Malaika,

    Thank you for your comment and online friendship. I look forward to sharing thoughts together and wish you the greatest on your story. Of course, your writing is quite different from my current writing, but I, too, have a personal life story I intend to write one day....when the time is right.

    I appreciate your well wishes.

    My best,
  • Petyamarina

    Hi Malaika,

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    Kind regards,
    Author, How to Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy Every Time You Have Sex - WITHOUT Using Contraceptive Drugs---