Mary Ellen Courville

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Something About Me and My Book:
2007 Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year, Mary Ellen Courville strives to build connections with students. Empathy motivates her writing as well. Her voice is heard locally through regular parenting articles in BRParents magazine.

Fiction is Mary Ellen's first love, however. In 2007 a short story "Breathe," inspired by the aftermath of the Louisiana hurricanes, appeared in an anthology. The companion Y/A novel tracks the lives of three teens as they face life after destruction and rebuild. It is currently in the revision phase.

Elementary children have received most of Mary Ellen's writing attention recently as her first children's book "The Pilgrim's Basket" awaits released in August 2008. As both a teacher and a writer, Mary Ellen listened as she heard about a class of Louisiana children who grew a garden and donated the vegetables to hungry families. "The Pilgrim's Basket" is a fiction children's story based not on the lessons the learning project meant to teach, but the unexpected outcome that taught the most. Check out its journey through the publication process at

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  • Linda L Wagner This site actually takes you to my blog page of Lady Flatterley. My web page is Thank you for your words of encouragement. I have seen your name on the Living Waters Website. It's just so sad to see the recent turmoil. Everyone I knew was very kind. I know each PH will give it's own sales pitch and they will say they are the best. I don't know if LW would be all that anxious to take me back. I have spoken with Lacresha several times and she has always been soooo supportive of me. Have you published with LW before and if you did, how did it go for you? I spoke with a manager at Barnes and Nobles and they said that it isn't up to the PH if they get a book in their store. It is the stores decision whether they accept the book or not. Almost everything depends on the "return policy". They do accept books that are self publishing also, so it is really very confusing to me who I should approach. I thought about approaching 4RV Publishing LLC. I just wish I had my Rick around to help me sort these things through.
  • Donna Blasor-Bernhardt

    I have been writing since 3rd grade! Couldn't stop...guess I never will! Donna
  • Bert Martinez

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