Linore Rose Burkard

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Something About Me and My Book:
Regency (Historical) fiction with an Inspirational kick is my specialty.
My first book, Before the Season Ends, is still drawing readers and was an instant hit with them; So much so that Harvest House will be republishing it in a beautiful new edition which will reach many more bookstores-and readers. (Like rare books? Collectors' items? Get a copy of the first edition before it is removed from the market! I'm certainly keeping mine!)

And just In case you ever wondered, allow me the honor of telling you: God Is Good.

The sequel to my first book, (tentatively titled, The House on Grosvenor Square," ) is also in the works and will follow Before the Season Ends through Harvest House.
If you're not a fan of Jane Austen and the regency yet, perhaps I'll be the author to "convert" you. [grin] The Regency was an enormously distinctive period in English history--from costume and manners to lifestyles and language. If you want to learn painlessly about the era, sign up for my monthly newsletter "Upon My Word!" and you'll get an easy-to-swallow dose of fun, facts and fashion in your in-box just often enough to be a welcome sight. Pretty soon you'll know why I'm fond of saying, "The Regency? You've got to love it!"
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  • Holly Spence

    Hi, yes it went well. I appreicate you asking
    Check out my new blog when you get a chance
  • Karla Casillas

    The blessings we ask for this season
    Aren't the kind that come wrapped with a bow;
    We're asking for gifts from the heart,
    Ones we need and never outgrow.
    May we see in these bright decorations
    With their colors and lights all aglow,
    The beauty and wonder of life
    That God's world was created to show.
    Let the peace and goodwill of this season
    Be feelings that we can extend
    Far into the following year
    To our neighbors, our family, and friends.
    Most of all, may we always remember
    To open our hearts every day and share all the love and the joy
    In a special and meaningful way.

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    Happy Holidays!

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