Laura Lyseight



United Kingdom

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Something About Me and My Book:
Laura Lyseight is inspired to write for teens. She knows they are in that crucial time of their lives where they could make or break themselves.

Her burning zeal and passion is to help them realize their true potential and purpose in life - SPIRITUALLY, ACADEMICALLY, FINANCIALLY, SOCIALLY in fact every area of their lives. She seeks to assist them to create their own success stories.

She recalls the issues she faced as a teen who lacked motivation, a real sense of direction and enthusiasm to rise above both internal and external limitations as well as to soar above the status quo.

Now a successful serial entrepreneur, private tutor and teen coach, she has been a driving and inspiring force behind countless numbers of teens, positively affecting their lives for good.

Her best selling books and articles are a must read for all teens as it challenges, inspires and motivates the youth to give of their best in all their endeavours and jump over any barriers placed before them.

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  • Sizt Elilo

    Hi friend,

    Thank you for your gift and desirable comment.

    Sell Billions of your book.

    Let all the grace, favour and blessing of God be upon you.

    Take care,
    S. H. S.
  • Alexander Devereux

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Live More, Laugh Much, Love Often!!!

    "I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition."
  • Sizt Elilo

    Thank you. Hope our friendship bears a better friendship.
    Wish you all the luck and best.