Velma Perry


Savannah, GA

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Ms. Velma Perry began her literary aspirations writing poetry, her first love and has evolved into a playwright for Christian theatre. “The Grace of God”, her first book of poetry released in July 2009. The Grace of God is a book of “journey pieces” in poetry (prose) which questions and answers to her humanism. Ms. Perry states, I thank God for these “journey pieces” for they incorporate love, tears, laughter, irritation, joy, sadness and anger that has strengthen and blessed while allowing me the opportunity to truly look in the mirror at myself if I dare… and I dare because I do not claim to be perfect but I am forgiven and I choose to get back up and try again
Ms. Perry formed The Imitators of Life, Inc. in 2002, a non-profit organization home based in Decatur, IL., They have produced original theatre productions; Unconscious Sin, Only The Strong in Christ, Weapons of Unforgiveness, Keep Your Eyes on God, Don't Box Me In, Gospel Thieves and 2010 production, Truths and Pain with hopes of producing in Savannah, GA.
Ms. Perry has visions of the big screen with an adaptation of one of the theatre production (Weapons of Unforgiveness) into a screenplay entitled, "Unforgiveness." It is a realistic look at a family's emotional weapons they use to hold on to Unforgiveness. She is also working on a book adapted from her first published poem, “The Day Zimmer Lost Religion”.

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  • Karen Kennedy

    I would like to invite you to be apart of our book explosion. Join:

    Hope to see you there soon!
  • Marie Brewer

    Hi Velma, It's so nice to know that you are living an unselfish life of service and inspiration to others! Joy & Blessings, Marie

    "It’s Crunch Time!”, is a new children’s book by Marie Brewer( for the
    link to book) is my book of muscle for boys (ages 9-12) to point them in the direction of HOPE!...This is an interactive book where they can write about their feelings. It discusses acceptable behavior, honesty, good self-image, respect for females and animals, appreciation for teachers/school, choosing good friends. The book also talks about resisting gangs, guns, drugs, violence, alcohol and bad influences. Let's attack the behavior, not the boy. "It's Crunch Time!" , by Marie Brewer, Be a part of the village to help our boys envision their true God-given purpose!
    We can turn this thing around! SEE! THINK ! ACT!
  • Kate L

    I just wanted to introduce myself and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People. Check it out at <a href=""></a>