Tim Rouse


Bristol, TN

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Book one of the “Me And Delmer Green” series (Saddle Tramps) (112 p. $9.95) takes the reader on a first person journey through the history of the friendship between Delmer Green and Duvall Robertson in the turbulent post Civil War years in Texas. The book is a masterful trip of friendship, courage and “cowboy virtue”.
Lightnin’ Charlie, author of “The Trials and Tribulations of a Travelin’ Troubadour” says, In The Delmer Green Series, author Tim Rouse manages to put the reader right in the middle of the story and action. Told in first-person, genuine western slang, The Delmer Green Series is a fond and fun fable, reminiscent of the classic western novels by Zane Grey. Rouse, like Grey, has a knack for tying his characters into the land, and the land into the story. Plain-spoken anti-hero Delmer Green is only one of many colorful characters you'll meet. If you like spirited tales of the old West, you'll love The Delmer Green Series. Maybe it's no accident that most of the story is set in a town called Cool, because this is one cool story.

Tim Rouse works as a writer/editor. He studied Creative Writing at King College. He is currently working on the follow-up installments to the “Me and Delmer Green” series as well as novel about his Grandmother’s life called “Honeychild”
ISBN 978-0-9819195-0-8

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  • Marilyn Z.Tomlins

    Tim, where do I find Sophia?
  • Marilyn Z.Tomlins

    Thanks again Tim.
  • Sissy Marlyn


    Hello again from Louisville, KY novelist Sissy Marlyn. Just wanted to remind you of the phenomenal event taking place at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville on Nov. 7, 2009, called the Almost Famous Authors' Faire.

    The deadline to register for a 4-ft section of table at $60 is quickly coming to a close. You can register after Oct. 1, but the cost goes up. Now is the time to send in your application to avoid paying more for the same great spot (lunch and soft drinks included)!

    So go today and download your application at: http://www.almostfamousauthorsfaire.com/Exhibit.html

    Look forward to meeting you at the faire.
