Kathe Gogolewski

, Female

San Diego

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am the author of fiction for both adults and children and host of the internet radio show, The Mother Daughter Club at www.themotherdaughterclub.com, a segment of By For and About Women Radio Network. My fantasy adventure for children, TATO, is published by Red Engine Press and available from TRI Studio LLC. My romance series include a science fiction with romantic elements, Flight of the Gryphon, and a romantic suspense, A Promise to Keep, both available from Double Dragon Publishing. My bestseller with the Amazon Shorts program is The Gold Coin, a short story about a prophetic dream my father had before he died. All shorts are 49 cents each. My husband and I publish a free ezine for writers called The Fiction Flyer. To subscribe and find out more about us and our books, visit www.tri-studio.com.

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  • Ruth Y. Nott

    Kathe, your comment "I follow the "Church of the Heart," which are those quiet messages that come from within. I believe we are all children with the same God, no matter what our religion," strikes a familiar chord in my own heart. I also believe that we are all God's children and all traveling toward the same goal.

    I would never keep anyone from joining our group no matter what their religion as long as they didn't verbally attack someone else for how they believe. I'm not teaching a particular religion or faith, but trying to help anyone who comes to our site to believe that God (in whatever form you see Him) is always there for us to turn to.

    We are a SMALL membership now, just starting out, and I think that our different "groups" (which I set up to mimic the sections of the newsletter I was[and still am] sending out in email weekly) would support any faith and I can assure you that the folks who subscribe are definitely NOT all of one faith, except for their faith in God.

    Since I believe that laughter is good for the soul and the body, we have a group for "clean" jokes.

    We have a Contest group where you might win a quilt for helping me rename the newsletter.

    We have an Encouraging Words group where quotes and uplifting thoughts are posted.

    We have the Reading Room where people can read about the books our members have been reading.

    We have the Book Store and More where you can list your books and other items for sale.

    We have a group called Christian Poetry. Now, after your message, I can see I need to rename that to Uplifting Poetry, or maybe Spiritual Poetry. That way anyone would feel okay to post there.

    We have a Prayer Request group. Anyone can ask for and receive prayer no matter what their faith.

    And, at the request of one of our members, we have a Weight Loss group to encourage others to keep fighting that endless battle.

    My email newsletter goes out to about 50 people. Unfortunately, very few of them are computer savvy enough to sign onto the blog so I'm hoping to find some new members and friends from other online blogs and groups. Please pass the word if you know of anyone who might benefit from our site.

    I hope that you will reconsider, but, if not, I wish you well and thank you for taking the time to reply.
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    I'm getting a few comments on your Out of the Box e-book/contest Kathe. One my bookmark.ning.com page. People seem to really appreciate your efforts on their behalf.

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

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