Angela Marie Davis


Dallas, TX

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
I wanted to give some background about myself and how it came about for me to do what I do! So, a long time ago a sweet girl named Angela (that's me) was overweight. From what I can remember I was always bigger. When I was in preschool I really cute! I had a cute figure and all, but around kindergarten I began to pick up the pounds! I remember in elementary I hated PE. I liked playing the games but I hated fitness testing, and race games gave me anxiety. Growing up my mom cooked everything, nothing from a box. As I look back now, I see it was really portion sizes. She cooked well-balanced meals and we brought our lunches to school. Of course honestly (looking back) it wasn't the best options, but a lot of parents are still trying to nail down a perfect school lunch! As we got older, she cooked less pork, oxtails, and stuff and cooked more leaner meats. My mom is a great cook! As I got into junior high I was on my own to make more of my own food choices. We had the taco line, cookie line, icecream line, like a mall food court in the school! I brought my lunch most times, but I also bought a cookie or something here and there. In high school, I remember I would get stuck on like favorite food. Like one summer hot wings, then honey buns. I don’t remember exercising much either. I didnt really care for PE. Running seemed like a horrible task, and anything involved running was just a turn off. I tried gymnastics a few times. In high school the only activity I got was drill team, 2 hours a day, 1/2 a year, and I was in rifles so we didnt do much cardio vascular activity. My arms we pretty strong! So any way, my freshman year in highschool, we had to get physicals and I punched in at 220.

A lot of people ask, well what did it take to make you finally lose the weight? Well, I tried different things. Fad diets like the cabbage soup diet, or whatever in Womens world that week. Everything required special meals, and me starving, I just couldnt hang. I tried exercise a few times, but i would get so very bored with Body Electric.

I remember sitting at home one night watching the Billy Blanks Tae Bo infomercial, I think I was like a sophomore, and I was thinking, I would NEVER be like those skinny people with sexy sculpted abs (heck Im still not…but I am happy with me!). Then I think that summer, my mom told me about curves for women. So I started there, and I think there was just something in me, that just said…keep going. It was like I was finally…mentally ready to take on the task of seriously losing the weight

I did the Curves Workout (not the nutrition program) for 8 months, and I went from doing the 30 minute circuit to staying 1 hour and i lost a lot of weight, but after a while by body needed a change. I moved up to the YMCA! I started taking Group exercise classes! I LOVE GROUP X!!!! When you plateau you need to change it up!!! I remember my first step class! OMIgoodness….I was SOO sore but I loved it! After a while an instructor asked to mentor me to become a group exercise instructor! Look at me! 17 and about 80 lighter and here I am entering the fitness industry! Only God knew that 11 years later, I would STILL be teaching classes, hold a BS in Human Food and Nutrition, and also helping others reach their goals and deal with the emotional challenges, the ups and downs, the crazy journey of weight loss and changing your life! I know its cliche, but as the old saying goes, “If I can do it…so can YOU!”

Anyway, I am working on writing my first book. My goal with my book, is to provide all the information that I have acquired through the years. All the tools you need to successfully lose weight and keep the weight off. Believe me, I have kept my weight off for over 11 years and I have been in the health and fitness industry for about 10-11 years and I have quite a few bags of healthy tricks! I have started my blog to organize everything I have ever written and will transfer that information to my first book.

Wish me luck!

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  • T.F. Hodge

    My pleasure, Angela. Thanks for accepting. All the best with the talents you've been gifted with. Make it a great weekend.

    Many blessings,

    T.F. Hodge
  • Shon Hyneman

    My wife started doing curves and she is really enjoying it. Congrats on the weight loss! I myself has lost 55 lbs and still trying to lose these last 10 lbs. I am a published author of 2 books. If you need anything let me know.

  • Kate L

    I just wanted to introduce myself and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People. Check it out at <a href=""></a>