Mila Hernán Alvarez



Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am one of more than 190,000 people affected by the intervention of Afinsa Bienes Tangibles, S.A. (AFINSA),that took place on the 9 of May of the 2006, and author of "El Saqueo de Afinsa" (The Sacking of Afinsa). The book was on the sale from October, 28th, 2010.

The book tries to clarify the Philatelic scandal and finally offer a credible story of the intervention of the philatelic company AFINSA that, before its unexpected closure by the Spanish authorities on May 9th, 2006, had been dedicated, for more than 25 years, to the philatelic business and philatelic investments in Spain.

The intervention took by surprise all the country with the presumed macro-scandal, leaving over 190.000 investors both, without their money and the stamps they had previously bought.

Almost five years,have passed, with no real proof of the terrible crimes that both, the spanish Government had the prosecution, accused the company to have commited.

After the intervention, no one cared about finding the real truth. With subsidized Organizations of Consumers who have manipulated the affected interests and wills of thousand of innocent victims, with mass media publishing their own theory of the so-called "swindle", and with a loaded judicial process of irregularities and contradictory sentences, the opportunity of finding out the truth of the intervention of Afinsa Bienes Tangibles, S.A. is out there.

Facts, testimonials, official documents and non-manipulated information are finally made public, to prove to the rest of the world that the whole intervention was a political action.

Readers will judge.

Comment Wall:

  • Karen Gammons

    Welcome Mila :) Just came by for a visit and to invite you to look around my page. Also, I wanted to share my book trailer with you. Hope you enjoy it.
    Karen Gammons
  • Kate L

    Welcome :)
  • Author Aleja Bennett

    Nice to meet you here in the world of book marketing. I'm Aleja Bennett Author of Ten paper backs and eight available on the kindle. Here is my fan page, stay in touch when you can. I know we both may have hectic schedules at times but I will always follow you back. Below is my fan page hope you like it and thanks again for your support it's appreciated very much. Enjoy the book video