Kyle L. Coon


Holton, MI

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
My book really is a book about faith. How my girls were held hostage by the Family Courts and how my faith in God helped me get them back. This book will inspire married couples, divorcing couples, and couples with children in the Family Court system to really take a hard look at what is happening to our children when they become hostage to the Court system.
But above all, this is a book for people looking for hope. That no matter how bad things seem, if you keep the faith you will triumph against seemingly insurmountable odds even with the Greatest American Epidemic happening with the destruction of the American Family because of greed in the Court system.
The American family is in crisis and the most direct cause is the divorce industry: a government-run system that tears apart families, separates children from fit and loving parents, confiscates the wealth of families, and turns law-abiding citizen into criminals. The whole system is designed to make you feel powerless, like you can’t fight back, and this is why it’s so disastrous.
There are three sections to this appendix: How I Learned to Deal with the System which covers how I was able to prove the fraud and the violations of due process in my case; Know Your Enemy, which deals with the family court system in more depth so that you know what you’re up against; and Lifelines to Help in Times of Crisis. This last section is very important to me because of what is happening to American fathers as they are stripped of their rights to their children. Nothing is worth killing yourself over. Find a way to fight because when you give up, the enemy wins, and this is an enemy that is undermining the very fabric of our great nation, the family. We can’t let that happen.
It is very important to know what you’re up against when you take on the family court system.
Divorce is very big business. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration of Children & Families and the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) reported that in 2008, $26.4 billion in child support payments were collected and $24.3 distributed to families.
Why are the family courts so dangerous? The courts start out with a custody hearing but it’s not about custody or what’s the best interest of the children. It’s about the money they can make from holding your children hostage. The courts are using the legal system to do this. They give both parents “joint custody” but physical custody goes to the parent that’s making the least amount of money.
Husbands and wives, please think of your children before you toss them into the family court system. The family court and lawyers will put the two of you against each other and destroy your children, make no mistakes about that. The family court will tell you it’s for the best interest of the children. It’s not.
As a loving parent, the most important duty in our lives is to stand up for our children and protect them. Job 5:4: “His children are far from safety, crushed in court without a defender.” Fighting for justice for our children is a national priority, and scripture is very clear on who our children belong to, The Kingdom of God, not the family courts. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” In Mark 10:14: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” In Luke 18:16: “But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’” These are three of the most powerful statements in the Bible about children. Yet our children are being crushed by the family courts. “We the People” need to stand up and say, “no more.” Let’s take back our children from the family courts so that they can find their way to God through a loving, nurturing family.

Comment Wall:

  • Karen Gammons

    Welcome Kyle :) God is so good and will open doors for you. Just stopped by to invite you to browse around my page and to also share my book trailer with you. Good luck with your book and I hope you enjoy my trailer. My kids made it for me.
    Karen Gammons
  • Author Aleja Bennett

    Nice to meet you here in the world of book marketing. I'm Aleja Bennett Author of Ten paper backs and eight available on the kindle. Here is my fan page, stay in touch when you can. I know we both may have hectic schedules at times but I will always follow you back. Below is my fan page hope you like it and thanks again for your support it's appreciated very much. Enjoy the book video