Sally Carpenter

Moorpark, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I'm a native Hoosier but now live near Los Angeles. I have a degree in theater and black belt in tae kwon do. I work at a community newspaper and review local plays. "The Baffled Beatlemaniac Caper" if the first book in the Sandy Fairfax Teen Idol mystery series. Sandy is an amateur detective as well as a former teen idol and star of the TV show "Buddy Brave, Boy Sleuth." Now he's a 38-year-old recovering alcoholic making a comeback. In the first book of the series, a member of the tribute band is shot at a Beatles fan convention where Sandy's a guest speaker. The book is now available on (put in the book title, not my name as there is another author with my name) and my publisher, Oak Tree Press, as

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  • Theresa Varela

    Go Ju can be defined as "Hard/Soft." It is Okinawan and very yin-yang! I think writing with a martial arts background can open up so many ideas. There is the depth of the philosophy, the military prowess and even the possibilites of a mystery at the annual regional tournament. There is so much to choose from! 
  • Author Aleja Bennett

    Nice to meet you here in the world of book marketing. I'm Aleja Bennett Author of Ten paper backs and eight available on the kindle. Here is my fan page, stay in touch when you can. I know we both may have hectic schedules at times but I will always follow you back. Below is my fan page hope you like it and thanks again for your support it's appreciated very much. Enjoy the book video
  • Sunny Frazier

    Sally, get over here and post the flyer Jeana made for your upcoming signing at Book 'Em. And show the awesome cover!