Colin B. Adepoju


Essex in uk

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Colin B. Adepoju, an entrepreneur, writer, author, publisher and a business management consultant. He has written several write-ups and articles on both personal and business development. A qualified international life coach who specializes both in personal and business development. In this book, the author has drawn from his wealth of experience, some from his past mistakes and successes, in contribution to the development of helping other people to identify and fulfil their Creator’s given-vision for their lives. Using his extensive expertise both in personal and business development, the author has written an indispensable book, using the Scriptures taken from the book of Habakkuk has is reference which provides a unique insight into the developmental stages needed to fulfil the vision for the lives of any individual. He has a quarterly publication titled “UNTIE” which can be subscribed for on their website. He is been instrumental in the developments and establishments of many start-up companies, some of which is the founder and MD of Untie Publishing LTD. He lives in England with his wife and children.

Comment Wall:

  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in some discussions, post a blog or video, schedule an event, make some friends. I think you'll enjoy it here.

    John Kremer, book marketing expert

  • Sally Shields

    Hi Colin! SO nice to connect with you here! Your book looks AMAZING. I'm so proud of you! You are a powerhouse and a GENIUS! Congratulations on all your great success thus-far!

    With much admiration and gratitude,
    Sally :-)
  • Author-Poet Aberjhani

    Thanks for droppping by Colin. Glad to see you moving along with the evolution and development and of your own creative visions.

