Sonia Novick


Las Vegas NV

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am in the process of submitting my book to several publishing houses and in the process of desiring to connect with an Publishing Agent that can lead the way into Hay House publishing, if anyone here knows this person and would like to share this info please contact me.

I have had 5 people read a few chapters of my book and every single one has stated they can't put the book down and can't wait till it is in print.

So a referral to a source like this would be fantastic...
Here is a bit about the book:
Hello welcome to all you!!!

We are as our little one calls us The "Avatar Group Consciousness" it is a good name she has chosen for us, for where we come from there is no names, there is no time continuum as you experience it and there is certainly no polarity as you experience it in your time continuum in your reality or existence in your beautiful planet in ascension...

We are here to serve, to honor your diversity, you are like the flowers as diverse as the universes and as complex as the stardust you emerged from...

We have come here into your time continuum through this beautiful being we call our "little one", "Sonia" a direct descendent of Isis in your time continuum, and in her home planet here place of creation where she was seeded from she is of Nobility if you like. Little one is our endearing name for her, for her energy frequency or vibrational frequency is bigger than your solar system and many other galaxies combined. So in a play of words we call her our "little one" and anyone that has come in direct contact with her and recognizes her for who she truly is, is for a lack of better words grateful to have crossed paths with her physical form as we are.

We must introduce our patron first and foremost for without her bringing us forth into your consciousness and awareness, to deliver these messages we have been delivering through the ages with different beings that have chosen to incarnate into physical form like our "little One" we would have difficulty in communicating with all of you that are ready to raise your frequency to new and higher octaves of reality and existence.

She is our messenger our prophet if you like, she has acquiesced to our call and very kindly and with no byes of her own has permitted us to come through her, allowing us to bring our message forth. it is her choice to vacate if you like her physical body when we come through for the sole propose of allowing the information to come forth unfiltered by her experiences or by her EGO as we believe someone coined this phrase
This is a personal choice on her part due to the fact that she is as all of you are working through the process of ascension and letting go of the EGO, so in order no to interfere or to color our message with her self identity on earth she has chosen to vacate her body when we come in to deliver our information, our knowledge and wisdom as our "little one' refers to this frequency we bring froth to all of you as a higher dimensional frequency of understanding that she is learning form as well as you, in her earthly form but in her higher self form she is one of us.

So we are ever thankful to our "Little One" for allowing this interaction and for the choices she is making in being a clear and unobstructed channel for our vibrational frequency range of understanding.

Comment Wall:

  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in some discussions, post a blog or video, schedule an event, make some friends. I think you'll enjoy it here.

    John Kremer, book marketing expert

  • Michael John McCann

    Thank you. I look forward to going to your site. Very interesting. Best.
  • Markus Klinger

    I am always blessed to see you! God bless you Sonia! :-)