Marilyn Cramer


Woodstock, GA

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Right now I'm in the process of writing 2 books, and a series of children's books. It's been a while, but I'm getting there!

I'm also an author, editor and VP of Content for We provide Daily Wisdom in short videos in 3 categories for Children, Success and Relationships. We have personal development for Kids! Kids can learn to dream, set a goal and make their desires come true. Kids will also learn good values, such as having patience and having integrity.

Assisting people in their healing and emotional well-being is very gratifying for me. Healing & the metaphysical arts, meditation and developing awareness have always been an integral part of my life.

Over the years my practice has included Reiki, Clinical & Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Somatic Healing, Angel Communication & Mental Coaching. As a Medical Intuitive, I can 'see' inside a person's body & their energy field, and usually get to the root cause of their illness or disease.

I teach classes in Reiki and self-healing, and help my clients through the mental, emotional & physical needs of pre & post surgery as well as illnesses and traumas. I work closely with the Chief of Surgery at our county hospital, assisting his patients in their healing process. Currently I give workshops & classes in mental coaching, self-hypnosis, dance & spiritual development.

For 8 years, I was a professional Jazz and Middle Eastern (belly dance) dancer, and was also a member of The Poughkeepsie Civic Ballet Company. During my career I was in 4 dance companies in NYC, Harrisburg, PA and New York State. Dance is a wonderful form of exercise and self-expression, and I'm still teaching dance classes and workshops.

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  • Steven

    Hi Marilyn, sorry for the delay but I just found your comment of July 9 last year. Glad that you liked my website; I also enjoyed your web-site too. I have finally completed my first book and this was the reason for the delay in using BMN.
    Great to finally make contact thought, keep in touch.
  • Carole Crosby

    Those images/photo's on your profile are STUNNING!!  They give me goose-bumps!

    What you do sounds amazing and I'm sure you LOVE your life, hey?  When I get "clever" I'll add some photo's to MY profile of African Wildlife. But, trust me, it's not happening anytime soon!  Trying to get ALL sorts of things under control with the new social media stuff. Extremely challenging!  But I'm not a chick to give up easily. Not at all!!

  • Jill Salzman

    Thanks for the support, Marilyn!  If ever you'd like me to promote your children's books, please let me know.  Happy to!