Joe Nowlan

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My novel is MEDIA BLITZ (published by Oak Tree Books) is a mystery, set in Boston.

Everyone likes to clobber the media these days. But in Boston, someone is going around killing them.

First, an obnoxious radio talk host … followed by a too handsome TV anchor … and then the host of yet another talk radio show ... all die violently.

Strolling innocently into this murderous confusion is Ben Hudson, a photographer for a weekly newspaper. Hudson (weak stomach and all) accidentally discovers two of the bloodied corpses of what the newspapers and TV call “The Boston Media Blitz.” He also becomes involved with TV newswoman Charlotte Kimball, beautiful, witty and set on uncovering the murderer.

This string of grisly killings of media figures has half the city wondering who'll be next—and the media haters wondering, "Gee, why didn’t I think of that?"

As the media body count rises, one fearful type wonders "Wouldn't a really angry letter to the editor been better?"

Comment Wall:

  • Linton Robinson

    Hi Joe
    Cool, a media thing. I'm currently flogging one set in SoCal media. No grisly murders but lots of weird sex and nuttinuess.
    Good luck
  • Donald James Parker

    Thanks for accepting!
  • Sunny Frazier

    Joe, we would certainly like to see you at the Vegas Public Safety Writers Conference next year! OTP authors made a strong showing and I spent one-on-one time with them designing individual promotional plans. Check it out at