Beverly J. Thompson


Fountain Inn, SC

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Author of the trilogy of books "Mystery of the Universes, a Prophecy Fulfilled," "Mystery of the Universes, Book Two," and "Mystery of the Universes, Book Three." All three books are scribed through interdimensional communication, each book containing 80 writings or "books." They delve into the mysteries of life, our existence, our purpose, and our relationships with each other and spirit. The books challenge many aspects of accepted and traditional thought, an understanding that is often multidimensional in its scope. They offer something for everyone since they are eclectic in their subject matter. They are intended to stretch one's mind to break "out of the box" into unlimited thinking and understanding. We are in this period of human evolution and development in which greater truths are filling our collective consciousness, waking up to the vast love of the Universal Source. Therefore I "scribed" the writings and included questions to aid us, as humanity, in understanding who we are.

In the first book, many of these scribed books are ancient, while others are more recent, but all of them have meaning for today. This is a book to be studied and can be used as a guidebook into the fifth and beyond dimensions of consciousness.

Book Two gives us a much clearer understanding of our multi-dimensionality, a part of Creator of All That Is. It gives us advanced knowledge of our evolving consciousness and more than just a glimpse into some of our future abilities, what now we perceive as impossible. This exciting book also helps define who we are as human beings, why we are here on earth at this time, plus an understanding of our connection to everything.

Book Three takes the reader into a deeper journey assisting in opening up avenues into understanding ourselves. Our journey into the higher realms of consciousness has begun and it is the ultimate journey in the form of physicality. It is the true spiritual awakening within the physical structure and, yet, it is much more. Now is the time to realize the importance of this awakening. Not only is humanity changing, but most of life is changing including our world and those planets and worlds beyond our own. This book is your guide into living the life that you have planned. And this life incorporates all aspects of yourslef into a finely tuned being of immense powers. Our Higher Selves (the souls of each one of us) are working through the human form, our biological self, to bring a more cohesiveness of total Self into the human consciousness. The possibilities are endless. Our New Earth is coming into manifestation. Through our hearts our world will be vastly different as we enter the golden era.

A little more about myself. I work (I really play) as a professional interior designer. Becoming an "author" was something at an early age I did not ascribe to, at least consciously. The information for my book started coming to me in 2002. I started communciating interdimensionally in the late 1990's, writing down information that "came" to me, most of the time during meditation. About that time I was told that I would be writing a book, and that concept seemed far fetched for me. So when I started receiving the writings, I soon knew what they were all about and what I was to do. In 2007, I published the first book with the channeled writings and added questions and answers to better understand what was given. Later I put together a workbook since I feel this book is one that is to be studied. And I am still learning. My books are available through websites such as, Barnes and Noble, and others. To learn more about the books, check out Amazon's site. I also do speaking engagements and workshops and intuitive counseling. I live in the upstate of South Carolina.
http://see Amazon

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  • Brenda Joyce Hoffman

    Writings of the Mystery of the Universes: A Prophecy Fulfilled channeled by Beverly J. Thompson

    What an amazing and inspiring journey! Beverly Thompson’s channels take us to hidden documents and treasures throughout the world - allowing us glimpses of how the earth and Universe formed, as well as our inner power and creation skills.

    This 240-page book jogs our deeply sealed memories. Perhaps some of you will be intrigued by the bits and pieces about physics, color harmonies or how Gaia is evolving. Or you may be moved to tears, as I was, remembering one of my homes – The Book of Turban – that is no more.  

    Each chapter lightly explores a different part of our being and Universe. Writings of the Mystery of the Universe: A Prophecy Fulfilled prepares us for information about the New Age. A tantalizing book that encourages us to anticipate the more in-depth knowledge divulged in Writings of the Mystery of the Universes: Books Two and Three.


    Brenda Hoffman, channeler of the classic book A Glimpse of Your Future, also channels a free weekly blog for Life Tapestry and a show, Creation Energies.

  • Brenda Joyce Hoffman

    Writings of the Mystery of the Universes: Book Two channeled by Beverly J. Thompson
    We are undergoing physical, spiritual and emotional changes on a daily basis - all created by us to move beyond the third dimension. Our perceptions of what was and what will be are shifting - frightening to some and exhilarating to others.
    Beverly J. Thompson has created a masterpiece, Writings of the Mystery of the Universes: Book Two, which allows us to put the pieces together into a cohesive and loving whole: Gaia's evolution, humanity's changes, as well as the assistance of those who helped create our earth. Book Two highlights the complete divinity of our being, and that everything, or all, is connected.
    Unlike A Prophecy Fulfilled, book one of the Writings of the Mystery of the Universes series, Book Two addresses our current knowledge, the shifts within our beings, Gaia and the Universes. And how all are uniting to create a New Earth of peace and harmony. This easy-to-read book defines our courage as we move to a new life that features those aspects of ourselves we have kept hidden for eons. It serves as a loving road map throughout our encounters with new entities, dimensions and experiences. A must read for anyone who wishes to understand our New Earth and our powerful creator god capabilities.
    Reviewed by Brenda Hoffman scribe of the international classic book, A Glimpse of Your Future. She also channels a free weekly blog and 15-minute radio show, Creation Energies, both available on her website - Life Tapestry