Wendy L Blood


Melbourne, FL

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Wendy Blood grew up as an only child in New England. She later moved to New Jersey where she attended college. She began writing as a child to escape from life's harsh realities. She now resides in Florida. She has two children and one grandchild. Cruel Irony is her first fictional novel. Her dream is to entertain readers for years to come.

Cruel Irony is a story about Lisa Black, a woman with a tragic childhood, lives for revenge. From witnessing her mother's rape to learning that her grandfather had molested her mother when she was growing up. She was abused as a child and felt unloved and abandoned. She began living in her own deadly reality in order to survive. Her heart grows cold and her soul turns black as she grows into a young woman. She turns to gruesome murder to ease the pain caused by others, especially men. She searches for happiness but can't escape the demons of her past.

Jake Damino, once a good man with a loving heart, is now a selfish man with no ambition and a passion for sex and drugs. When he and Lisa move to Las Vegas, he turns into a man she no longer recognizes. She thought he would love her forever until his ultimate betrayal. When he and her friend ripped her world apart, she began to live for the day she could destroy them both completely.

Michael Wagner, a devastatingly handsome Hollywood movie producer, grew up with the ideal childhood and two loving parents. He becomes hugely successful, and women everywhere desire him. He isn't looking for love; he's too busy with his career, until he unexpectedly meets the one woman who will change his life forever. After months of working on his latest blockbuster movie, he goes on a Hawaiian cruise where he meets Lisa, the woman of his dreams with a past that would become his nightmare. She captivates him in everyway, and it's love at first sight.

These three people's lives become intertwined and collide with deadly force. Each brings with them the ghosts from their past, and the fear and insecurities of their future. Life is full of irony, CRUEL IRONY!!!

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  • Tom Catton

    Book Reviews.

    Promptly making amends. I know I said something like that in my post, following other remarks, in the beginning it certainly sounded as though it was like clicking like on FB, just post a review, cool your willing to do this Wendy. This is the only way I can send a message, if I hit reply to all it just freezes, I had to have someone post my FB message, thanks.
  • Karl G. Larew

    Hi, Wendy.  My machine has been acting strange.  I sent you as an attachment my novel Candles in the Window a couple of days ago (and, indeed, earlier--a month or so ago); please let me know if it arrived.  Regards, Karl Larew
  • Author Aleja Bennett

    Nice to meet you here in the world of book marketing. I'm Aleja Bennett Author of Ten paper backs and eight available on the kindle. Here is my fan page, stay in touch when you can. I know we both may have hectic schedules at times but I will always follow you back. Below is my fan page hope you like it and thanks again for your support it's appreciated very much. http://www.facebook.com/AuthorAlejaBennett Enjoy the book video