Donna Bonner


San Diego, CA

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
God anointed me to have "a prophetic voice, eyes, ears and a heart" for things to come. I am unique & set apart for HIS will and Kingdom to come "on earth" as it is in Heaven. My Books carry God's anointing. At the moment I am updating and editing them. Thank u for ur patience. My life is a very interesting one. For some reason God hand selected me out and away from my family, so I could learn more about HIM. As I continued to walk this journey called "life" I discovered that a few of my pit stops were the same as those who had gone before me. It was like living out the bible all over again, just in the 21 century. As I read about the lives who have gone before us; but yet demonstrated mighty courage in the Lord; I discovered that I too, was now on that same journey, just in my life time. And once u are allowed to see ur walk and ur life through the eyes of God, nothing will ever appear the same. Your whole life takes on a true and life changing destiny on earth as it is in Heaven. And instead of living on earth for earth, u now live on earth as it is in Heaven. There is a real transition that happens. The sad thing is, many don't believe it is real or possible; until its too late. I can't wait to share my work with not only u my new friends, but the world. I am a misfit from my family; a remnant left over from a church gone wrong; but a child that God adopted into HIS own family. Now I call HIM "Father".

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