Lougenia J. Rucker, MA



United States

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Something About Me and My Book:

I have collaborated with the Professional Women Network and co-authored several self-help Empowement Books for Women thru Professional Women Network( PWN )including:

Emotional Wellness for Women, Volume III,
Learning To Love Yourself,
Wellness for the African American Woman,
Life Skills for the African american Woman and
Raising African American Girls.

The books retail for $19.95 and I am offering a $4.00 discount for all Book Marketing Network members ($15.95)

I am currently in the process of completing my first solo project!

Thank you,
Warmest regards.
Lougenia J. Rucker
Author.Empowerment Coach. INspirational Speaker.Facilitator

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  • Duane Rhodes

    check out my website please www.drhodes5433.webs.com thanks and my God bless Duane
  • Tonya Jones

    Blessings! Please check out the 2nd Annual Christian Book & Product Expo scheduled for Saturday May 16th, 2009:
    Minister Tonya
  • Marie Brewer

    Hi Lougenia, Have an enchanting evening. Hugs, Marie

    "It’s Crunch Time!”, is a new children’s book by Marie Brewer(www.helenbrewer.com for the
    link to book) is my book of muscle for boys (ages 9-12) to point them in the direction of HOPE!...This is an interactive book where they can write about their feelings. It discusses acceptable behavior, honesty, good self-image, respect for females and animals, appreciation for teachers/school, choosing good friends. The book also talks about resisting gangs, guns, drugs, violence, alcohol and bad influences. Let's attack the behavior, not the boy. "It's Crunch Time!" , by Marie Brewer, www.bbotw.com Be a part of the village to help our boys envision their true God-given purpose!
    We can turn this thing around! SEE! THINK ! ACT!