Sylvia McGrath


Keswick, Ontario


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Something About Me and My Book:
I was born in England, educated in Scotland and moved to Canada in 1966. I worked in the business field for about 40 years where I developed business management and business writing skills.

About four years ago I completed freelance writing course. which was to allow me to follow my dream of being a childrens writer. Over the past few years, I have published poetry, co-authored a recently publiished book on Living with Chronic illness and have writen articles for several on line publishing groups.

My main goal is to write a series of books for children with special needs, chronic illness and learning challenges. I publish an on line newletter for these children and in the process of writing an E-Book on resources for the parents of these children, with the help of another writer, who is also the mother of a child with special needs. We are planning on releasing part-one of this book in the next month. I already have completed one children book and working on my second. I also try to find time for two other passions of mine which are to assist in facilitating a workshops on disability awareness and being a literacy tutor at my towns local learning centre.

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  • Sandi Kidder-Stonebraker

    You are certainly involved in some pretty meaningful and important endeavors. Looks like next to writing, your doggie is important to you. I have two doggies and I have written about them at - I feel as though our animals are a connection to our maker.
  • Bert Martinez

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  • Rama*

    Hi Sylvia,

    Thanks. Did you have a look at my illustration works?
    Am asking you, since you're a writer for the childrens books.
    Your opinion will matter to me a great deal.

    Best Regards,