Tom Mcgreevy

74, Male


United Kingdom

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Something About Me and My Book:
Have just published my first collection of poetry entitled: ' POEMS FOR PAULA ' (Publisher Rossendale Books) See book below on:
or visit me on:

Tom Mcgreevy served 13 years with the British Armed Forces (Army) from 1972 - 1984. Operating in such places as, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, The Jungles of Belize, Northern Ireland, Germany, France, Denmark, Cyprus, and The Falklands.

Since leaving Military service he has returned to his lifelong passion for writing. In 2005 Tom was diagnosed with Cancer, but true to his belief of ' Giving up is not an option ', against the odds he has beaten it, and is now in Remission.

Tom now lives in a Village in Berkshire, England, with his Wife Paula and their Disabled Son James.

Tom's poetry is Raw, Emotional, Funny, Inspirational, and at times sad enough to bring out the tissues. He always tells it ' Like it is ', and it is always from the heart.

Tom has this gift of writing ' From other people's shoes ', as well as his own. His life in the Military has inspired many of the Soldier/War poems, and his fight against Cancer reflects the sadness and trauma of this terrible illness. Tom's poetry has already inspired a large following Worldwide, and there is something in this book for everyone.

Tom operated in numerous war zones for 13 years, and many of his long soldier poems are short stories in themselves, most reflecting the sadness of lost comrades who (signed out) and didn't make it home, but also include witty poems like ' The Belize Snake' from his 12 month spent in the Jungles of Central America, and the Jungle survival Training he endured there.

REVIEW: (Poems For Paula)21/06/2008 by
' Saly Patricia Gardner ' Author of:
' Lillian's Story '
It is the sheer diversity of Tom's work that takes your breath away.This is graphically illustrated by the first and last poems.'The Det' takes you to a situation that, thank God, most of us have never had to face, and leaves you wondering how you would have coped. Less bravely, then and afterwards, I suspect. 'The Missing Sock' with its wit and humour is a wonderful cheery,cheeky finish to this collection. And in between? All life (and death)is here.Tom's struggles with the demon cancer, (long may he go on winning this battle!),his military experiences, and shining through the collection, his love for Paula. Tom writes beautifully and honestly, with a rare ability to illuminate large topics with a sideways glance at the small everyday incidents to which we all relate. Thank you, Tom.

Comments: Having read this book and previous works by this versalite author, I now think that he has found his niche in poetry writing in the manner of all the great war poets saying it as it is/was clearly and truthfully, by seeing and being there at the time. This is a book which contains all the aspects of life as a veteran, often with humour. I treasure my copy.
A.R.Lewis (Author and Poet) 16/06/2008

Review: 16/06/2008
I have read many poems by Tom Mcgreevy, and find his work an inspiration.
A truely fantastic person.

Review: Jan Hedger 19/06/2008
A book of many faces - from despair and loss, to wickedly funny humour. A poetry book to adorn any book shelf - Tom Mcgreevy has captured life itself and more.

Review: Karen Palumbo 18/06/2008
Such inner perseverance and a very optimistic outlook combined with prayers and God's love will see you through to spend every minute of every day in the embrace of those you love. Very passionately e

Review: Mount Tumbledown (Poetry) - 6/17/2008 11:54:06 AM
A powerful and moving poem, Tom. I admire the writing. The best thing we can do for those young men and women left behind is to stop these bloody wars. Now. - Gene Williamson

(THE DET) from ' Poems for Paula '
What a power-packed piece of writing, Tom McGreevy.
I must check out the book from whence it came. - Gene Williamson

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  • John Silkstone

    Hi Tom, thanks for the message. I’ve been very busy lately as I’m doing a course at Hull University and it takes up a lot of my time. The wife wonders why I’m doing courses at my age, but it keeps the old grey matter turning over. No problem with displaying my photo on your site.

  • Karla Casillas

    The blessings we ask for this season
    Aren't the kind that come wrapped with a bow;
    We're asking for gifts from the heart,
    Ones we need and never outgrow.
    May we see in these bright decorations
    With their colors and lights all aglow,
    The beauty and wonder of life
    That God's world was created to show.
    Let the peace and goodwill of this season
    Be feelings that we can extend
    Far into the following year
    To our neighbors, our family, and friends.
    Most of all, may we always remember
    To open our hearts every day and share all the love and the joy
    In a special and meaningful way.

    Karla Casillas

    Sr. Wedding Planner

    A BAJA ROMANCE WEDDING by Karla Casillas

    Happy Holidays!

  • Kate L

    I just wanted to introduce myself and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People, check it out at <a href=""></a>