
16, Male

paradise oh

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
i am neither a poet nor philosopher yet i am compared to them ,i view myself more like a spiritual walker ,someone who has been here many times,,wisemanspeeks trilogy a book of wizthom trying joyful times, a book where one can find inspiration motivation faith ,hope and love there's something there for every mood we all call life ,peace wizthom

,,, my pen

my pen
when this world brings me down,
and my friends all but forsake me,
when this road i travel leads to a dead end,
when i am so far gone till i need to go home again

when i am so weak till even misery ,
don't wish to keep me company,
when doors i need open,
i reach for my pen,
my lover ,my friend,
and confident

she's the love that knows me,
she's the love that consoles me,
my best friend and confident,
my pen

without her i would go out my mind,
lose my place in time,
she fights my battles,
she wins my wars,
my pen

she knows the words of my heart,
she's my light in the dark,
she keeps me from falling apart,
she my stop when the blues start,

with her it never hurts to cry,
with her she will never leave me by the wayside,
my pen,my pen,

Thu thick and thin we have been lovers and friends,
without her i have no past present nor future ,
her love goes beyond any measure,
she knows all my secretes and buried treasures
talking bout my best friend,
my pen,

talking bout my lover,
my confident,
what a comfort to my mind,
when my heart she recites,
she always knows the words,
to make me feel better,

she knows how to relieve all my pressures,
take away the stress that life so often throws
i can't imagine life without her,
my pen is my friend,
lover and confident,,peace WISEMANSPEEKS COPY@RIGHTS08

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  • Linda A Lavid

    Here's a list of publishers that may be interested in your work. I'm afraid the links didn't load. Not a problem, just search them at Google. Good Luck!

    These non-traditional presses often produce work in both Print-on-Demand trade format (POD) and electronic press format.

    Amber Quill Press -- An publisher who puts out romance, including erotic romance in electronic and trade paperback format. They do have submission guidelines.

    Amira Press -- A small press putting out work in both trade paperback and ebook formats. They also have a whole bunch of submission guidelines, which vary from line to line. So be sure to read them all to see where your story fits.

    Atlantic Bridge Publishing -- Offers many genres in electronic and trade paperback formats. Pays royalties but no advance. It does have submission guidelines. Looking for romance, especially "highly sensual" romance for their Liquid Silver imprint, which has its own website and submission guidelines.

    Avalon Books -- They produce wholesome romances, and only in hardcover. Lots of libraries buy these books. Here are their guidelines.

    Black Lyon Publishing, LLC -- An electronic/trade publisher that wants some genres not necessarily pursued by mainstream publishing (including Ancient Times settings). Check out their guidelines for more info.

    Bold Strokes Books -- Publishes gay and lesbian fiction and non-fiction, including romance and erotica lines. They have submission guidelines.

    By Grace Publishing -- Christian publisher (also do 'clean' chick-lit and secular romance). They have submission guidelines.

    Carnal Desires Publishing -- Epublishing/POD format erotic romance publisher. They have submission guidelines and you'll want to read them carefully as they seem to be quite detailed.

    Cerridwen Press -- Mainstream imprint of Ellora's Cave. Not for romantic erotica like EC, but straight romance, straight mystery, straight fantasy, etc. Check out the submission guidelines for more info.

    Champagne Books -- This publisher publishes novellas around 25K, Contemporary, Suspense, Fantasy and Historical, with word count caps of 80K. Submission guidelines here. Update: Thanks to the author who let me know Champagne is now doing trade paperback and planning a mass market line.

    Changeling Press -- This electronic and trade publisher mostly wants paranormal, sci-fi, fantasy, or fetish romance. They accept both straight and gay storylines. Guidelines are here.

    DiskUs Publishing -- Publisher of all kinds of strories from adventure to children's to romance. They do have a set of submission guidelines.

    Draumr Publishing -- POD Trade Paperback publisher looking for romances with BBW (Big Beautiful Women), as well as other genre fiction. They have a FAQ and Submission Guidelines.

    Echelon Press -- An electronic small press that says it will publish their most successful titles in POD and even mass market. They take "all genres" of romance, as well as several other kinds of books. They are very specific about manuscript and submission format on their submissions page, so read carefully. Echelon Press has recently branched out into erotic romance with their new imprint, Erotique Press. It has its own guidelines.

    Ellora's Cave Romance E-books -- For those writing romantic erotica. Mostly time-travel, paranormal elements, and contemporary here. They do have pretty specific guidelines on what crosses that delicate line from romantica to pornography, so check out their submissions page before you submit. They also have a Writing FAQ page for more info.

    Highland Press -- This publisher (which will put out books in e-book and trade paperback formats) is interested in historical fiction, including historical romance. They want an emphasis on the history. Submission guidelines and an FAQ should cover most questions.

    Imajinn Books -- If you've written a romance that doesn't quite fit into traditional categories, this might be the place for you. They specialize in paranormal romance. They have submission guidelines (as well as a link to line parameters on the same page). Update: Imajinn did file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy a few years ago, but are still in business.

    Lachesis Publishing -- Canadian publisher putting their work out in trade paperback format, as well as epublished. Check out their submission guidelines for a listing of what they do NOT publish, as well as formatting guidelines and such.

    LBF Books -- A mixed format press that takes romance (limited to erotic romance currently). They have an FAQ and submissions guidelines.

    Light Sword Publishing -- Launching with first releases in early 2007, this publisher describes itself as a traditional, royalty paying house. I assume they mean they are producing paperback rather than e-books, but it's honestly kind of hard to tell. They do have submission guidelines.

    Linden Bay Romance -- A publisher that puts their books out in e-format and some in print. Submission guidelines are available.

    Loose Id -- Erotic romance e-publisher. They are run by some experienced erotic romance authors and are looking for books. Submission guidelines are available. A few of Loose-Id's books are available in print (hence the move to mixed format).

    Medallion Press -- Publishes romance in both trade and mass market They have both submission guidelines and a FAQ on their submission policy. They seem to take most varieties of romance.

    Midnight Showcase -- Interesting publisher that produces anthologies of short stories to novellas (they take 1000 - 25,000 word count). They seem to be mostly electronic, but say to ask about paper. Here are submission guidelines.

    Mundania Press -- This publisher does all kinds of fiction, including romance and what they call 'cross-genre fiction'. They have a sample contract up on their site, as well as submission guidelines. They also have a separate publisher for erotica/romantic erotica called Phaze. Submission guidelines for Phaze can be found here.

    Parker Publishing, LLC -- A publisher specializing in African-American literature. They have several romance lines. Check out their submission guidelines.

    Samhain Publishing, LTD -- Epublisher/Trade Paperback publisher that started putting out books in January 2006. It is run by Christina Brashear, who used to be very involved with the running of Ellora's Cave. Looks like they take all genres of romance, as well as other fiction such as horror, fantasy, etc. Submission guidelines are available.

    Sourcebooks, Inc -- This publisher is taking romance in several subgenres. They don't have a ton of info about their fiction imprints on their submission guidelines page, but there is one with some info about the company.

    Swimming Kangaroo Books -- An epublisher that says they'll also take books into paper that was started in 2006. They taking submissions and have a sample contract up, as well. Don't know much else about them.

    Tiger Publications -- A newer publisher that pays an advance and has distribution through Baker and Taylor. Check out their submissions page for more info.

    Torquere Press -- A gay and lesbian erotic romance publisher. Check out their guidelines for more details.

    Vintage Romance Publishing, LLC -- Publisher that covers historical romances set before 1969. They have a detailed submission policy (as well as a lot of info about their publishing house). Update: Apparently there was an address change some time ago with this publisher and for some reason the index didn't redirect (and the old site still existed). Be sure to check out the real address now with all the updated info.

    The Wild Rose Press -- A romance publisher that takes a lot of different subgenres (for a full list, check out their submission guidelines page and be sure to click the link to whatever type of book you write, more details guidelines are found, as well as who to submit to). They also have a section called The Greenhouse, where they include articles and workshops to 'grow' aspiring authors. A few authors have let me know they've learned something from these workshops.

    Zumaya Publications -- Romance publisher with a submissions page. In addition, they also own eXtasy Books, which does erotic romance of all kinds. They also have a separate submissions page.

    These non-traditional presses put their work in electronic format exclusively. More and more e-presses are expanding their market into POD, so this section may shrink and eventually disappear.

    Aphrodite Unlaced -- Romantic erotica in electronic format. Submission guidelines are available. Update: Check out Piers Anthony for some complaints.

    Aspen Mountain Press --This press likes cross-genre romance and erotica and seem to prefer alternate lifestyle subjects. Check out their submission guidelines. They do ask for print rights for the stories they purchase, but it looks like they'll be starting out with only e-book publication.

    Belgrave House -- Reissues previously published romances and other print books where the rights have reverted back to the author. Does not take unpublished manuscripts, but if you published a print book in the past and want to see it reissued, this is a place to look. Submission guidelines.

    Cobblestone Press, LLC -- Sensual and erotic romance publisher. They take everything from 10,000-word novellas to 100,000-word novels. Submission guidelines are here.

    Forbidden Publications -- An epublisher that takes erotic and non-erotic romance in a wide variety of subgenres (including gay and lesbian). It looks like they even do some non-fiction. They have submission guidelines for authors.

    Freya's Bower -- Epublisher of erotica, erotic romance and romance. There are submission guidelines.

    Red Rose Publishing -- Ebook publisher focusing on all kinds of romance. Check out their submission guidelines for specifics.

    total e-bound -- The capitalization is all them. This is a UK epublisher that is launching in 2007, though I couldn't tell exactly when from the site. They are taking submissions for a wide variety of subgenres.

    Uncial Press -- An epublisher taking various romance genres, including traditional Regency. Check out their submission guidelines and sample contract for more details.
  • Lorna Lorraine

    You already dwell in Paradise!