Clark Isaacs



United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Well, we now live in a nearby community to the mountain top. It is closer to town and also is better for traveling to the local community college where I now am a member of the faculty teaching several different classes. It is really enjoyable to teach once again and give back some of the things that I have learned through the years.

I write review columns with an audience which has developed into about two million readers. I have written three non-fiction books for the legal market. Also, am working on one fiction book for the last 10 years which keeps changing as technology changes. I still read about 3 to 4 books per week and review on one or two each week. My able assistant or co-author is my wife who has developed into a good reviewer in her own right, but desires to stay behind the scenes.

Comment Wall:

  • Gerald Bergeron

    Well thank you for your feedback best of luck to you also, Gerald