Jay Francis


Corona, NY

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Metra City: Destiny's Kiss is fresh urban fiction.

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  • Paul Doerwang

    I am as fine as your two trailers,thanks;)
  • Kate L

    Go ahead and check out my review guidelines, then e-mail me with the necessary information.

  • Paul Doerwang

    I would be thrilled if I could complete a rough draft. My dilemma is that, metaphorically speaking, "my eyes are bigger than my stomach." I have this absurd and unshakable compulsion to take on the Arthur cycle. But due to the enormity of the task, I frequently find myself thinking that it would be nice to tackle something a bit more "bite sized" just to have something out there to make me feel more like I'm an "actual" writer. Unfortunately, any other story ideas that I have are embrionic at best.
    At some point you just have to commit to a course of action, or you end up doing nothing. So unless one of Newton's magic apples hits me on the head and gives me devine inspiration or something, I guess I'll just have to press on and wrestle my personal literary dragons.