Margaret Blake

83, Female


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am a romantic novelist. Six of my books are published by Whiskey Creek Previously I wrote historical and contemporary romance and eleven of these novels were published by Robert Hale Limited, London. I now have returned to Robert Hale writing romantic suspense. I have three novels with them - Breaking the Clouds and A Poisoned Legacy are now out and Shadows of the Past is out in May 2009.

With Whiskey Creek Press I have six novels.My latest novel Spanish Lies is now. My two previous novels, a romance His Other Wife and The Substitute Bride have received five heart reviews from The Romance Studio reviews. And the Substitute Bride is not only the number l best seller at Whiskey Creek Press for January but also has a five ribbons review from Romance Junkies. Eden's Child, another novel was also the No.1 best seller at Whiskey Creek for the month of March, and Fortune's Folly also did very well.
As did my novel Beloved Deceiver.


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    Hi Margaret,

    I hope you find your time on BMN useful. I wanted to welcome you and ask for your friend request. I'm always delighted to meet someone from overseas. It's a pleasure! Your work seems interesting, and I look forward to networking with you.

  • Lynn C. Johnston

    Hi Margaret,

    It's nice to meet you. It is great to be able to connect with other authors. I look forward to getting to know you better.

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