Winona Rasheed

72, Female

Washington DC

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am a children's writer. First, I self-published three titles. I love writing fairytales for our young folks. You can see these books at:
I am also proud to say that I also have two new books out for children that are on cds. How cool is that? For me, this is an exciting time.

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  • Susan Haley

    Hi Winona

    Your job sounds interesting. How did you connect with an author in Africa?! Yes, I'm glad to be working, too. I retired from the day job this past September so the editing and my group appearances being successful means I'll get to stay retired! LOL! The bills do go on!
    I notice Shara is letting you know about FWA. I'm the Facilitator for the Sarasota Chapter of that. Writers groups are great for networking face to face. Dahris and I are very close friends. I do the poetry page for her Infinite Writer e-zine.
    I'm about half done with my editing job . . . wanna race? I'm kidding - I'm giving this 100%. It's and incredible story from the author that won a Palm award from FWA last year for "Shadow" - Gordon Tucker. He's a brilliant writer.
    Nice to hear from you.
  • Tyora Moody, Tywebbin Creations

    I'm coordinating a virtual tour this month. Check out Illusions Blog Tour with Wanda B. Campbell (February 1-28, 2009)



  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

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