J. D. Webb

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
J. D. (Dave) Webb resides in Illinois with his wife of 40 years and their female toy poodle, losing all family votes 2 to 1. Dave became a full-time author in 2002 after spending 25 years in corporate management. A company purge promoted him to cobbler and he owned a shoe repair and sales shop for 11 years. During these careers he wrote short stories and suppressed an urge to write a novel. After making a conscious decision to live at the poverty level, those novels began forcing their way out.

Shepherd’s Pie (Golden Wings Award winner)
Moon Over Chicago (2008 Eppie Finalist)
Her Name Is Mommy (Now available)
The Smudge (Coming soon)

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  • Vivian Zabel

    I'm finding familiar names and faces here.

  • Vivian Zabel

    I forgot how to work this comment wall deal and posted a reply comment to your comment on my page. Here is the comment:

    How funny. Thanks, Dave.

    Trockle is just overly lovable. Give him a hug, and he'll be fine. *laugh*
  • Bert Martinez

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