Louise Lewis


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Something About Me and My Book:
No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You! by Louise Lewis

"This book is a breath of fresh air, one that you should
keep close at hand to keep your emotional life focused."
—Midwest Book Review - April 2008

FREE Read at: www.noexpertsneeded.com
(No strings/spam attached...really!) ...Simply my way of 'giving back'...

Losing a job always delivers a hard blow, but it was especially hard for forty-something author Louise Lewis, one of many victims of the technology industry's dotcom implosion. No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You! tells the story of how she pulled herself together and discovered a new life of meaning.

Just minutes after being "set free", Lewis, a single woman with a mortgage to pay, sits in the San Jose, California, airport panicking over her future. While toying with the option of giving into depression, she receives a powerful message from God that instantly releases the weight of her worries. "This is just a new chapter in your life. You hold the pen, I'll guide your hand, and together we'll write one hell of a chapter." Through Spirit's continued involvement, Lewis is inspired to ask normal, everyday people to answer Spirit's question: what is the meaning of life?

No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You! weaves through a vast collection of spontaneous, thought-provoking answers and inspirational stories that demonstrate how the simple act of listening to Spirit can add meaning to every moment of your life.

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  • david b mclaughlin

    Thanks Louise! I'd love to say you've probably already learned them all but then you might not buy the book!
  • Bert Martinez

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