Jo Fulkerson

90, Female

Hobbs, NM

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I self-published my first novel ("Sing Me No Sad Songs") at age 69, although I have been writing since the 6th grade. I have had poems published online, and had several original songs published several years ago. Cassettes of some of these songs are available from the author.

I love smaller breed dogs, as well as Persian cats, and I raise puppies and kittens from time to time. I also have three Miniature Horses. I enjoy gardening and bowling and bowl on a league every week. I started out this season with a 118 average. The past several seasons I was at 134 so I have some work to do. Last week I bowled three games in the 130+ area, so I'm getting there.

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  • Mary Fitzgerald Rodriguez

    Hi, Jo, I really enjoyed reading your profile. I just had my first book published. I'll be 60 Dec. 7th. I love animals too, and have a website I've been trying to come up with ideas for promoting books too. Hopefully we can put our heads together. Love to hear more about you and your projects! Mary Fitzgerald Rodriguez
  • Linda Ballou

    I like your spirit Jo. You can't keep a good girl down.
  • Kate L

    I just wanted to introduce myself and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People, check it out at <a href=""></a>