Elizabeth Barrette

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Elizabeth Barrette has been involved with the Pagan community for more than 20 years. She serves as the Dean of Studies at the Grey School of Wizardry (www.greyschool.com). Her book _Composing Magic: How to Create Magical Spells, Rituals, Blessings, Chants, and Prayers_ came out from New Page Books in 2007. She lives in central Illinois and enjoys herbal landscaping and gardening for wildlife. She has done much networking with Pagans in her area, including coffeehouse meetings and open sabbats. Her other writing fields include speculative fiction and gender studies.

Visit her websites:

Hypatia's Hoard of Reviews
This site reprints book, music, and product reviews -- mostly speculative fiction novels with some Earth-friendly nonfiction, folk music, Tarot decks, and other goodies. Author announcements and news from the publishing industry also appear.

Gaiatribe: Ideas for a Thinking Planet
Part of the Geek Universalis Network, this site supports the premise that humanity is the part of the biosphere that can think, which gives us the responsibility to care for life and the Earth. Here you'll find discussions of renewable energy, sustainable development, intentional community, nature religions, environmental awareness, and related topics.

The Wordsmith's Forge
Here you'll find discussions of writing, editing, environmental & social issues, and other interesting stuff. A star attraction is the monthly Poetry Fishbowl, in which the audience provides prompts and the author writes poems inspired by them.

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  • Julie Fox

    Just wanted to send you a quick hello and wish you a fabulous day!
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  • Author Aleja Bennett

    Hello, nice to be meeting a new friend hope you will stay in touch as time permits here is my page hope you are inspired, moved and encouraged by it. http://facebook.com/AuthorAlejaBennett I do have a hectic schedule but I always stay in touch with my friends and I do follow back so with that said be blessed.