Bonnie L Pelton

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Books out:
Another day to live life
59 poems, with 2 of my drawings featured
author name: Bonnie Lee Pelton
Fun , emotional and uplifting, try it you may like it
Barnes& or phone 301-695-1707

Second book:
Why can't I be like other creatures?
children's book,fun humorous pictures,
about just realizing the best person you can be is yourself !! author name Bonnie Pelton

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  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Yes, Snoopy is now feeling like his old self agan but we can't take him out for his walks yet and he's getting frustrated. He actually brought me his lead a few minutes agao, poor little pup. I'm about to put a couple of pics of Chloe on the RSPCA site so look out for them in a short while.
    Hope you're having a good day.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Glad you like her. My back and the frozen shoulder are still very sore I'm afraid.

    Best regards

  • Frank J. Ball Sr. aka Frank WOLF