Jim Misko


United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
I've been an author for fifty years with articles, books, and newspaper writing behind me. Now it is on to the next 8 books on my list to write. The first novel FOR WHAT HE COULD BECOME was followed by THE MOST EXPENSIVE MISTRESS IN JEFFERSON COUNTY and it has gotten excellent reviews. I founded the Alaska Writers Guild in May 2007 with a start group of twelve writers. We now have 260 and I'm hoping for 400 before I get back from the desert in April. I also founded the Alaska Writers Conference in August of 2007.
We have about 120 people for three days of authors, editors, agents, publishers, and marketing gurus. THE CUT OF PRIDE will be out March 15, 2012 and my goal is to sell 1,000 copies before then. Several book clubs signed up for their copies as well as signing dates with Barnes & Noble, Costco, and a few independents hither, thither, and yon. The second novel won second prize in a national independent press contest for fiction. See you amongst the bookshelves. Jim www.JimMisko.com

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  • Philip Harris

    Hey jim-when we were about half way through book I we knew it it would have to be a trilogy. In a way it is my Magnum Opus-all that I really believe is there but in novel form.
  • Bert Martinez

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  • Freya R

    Hi Jim

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