Demita Crawford

, Female

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Something About Me and My Book:
All her life, Demita has been looking for love in all the wrong places. From childhood bullies, a pedophile, rapists, the physically abusive, fair weather friends, a sociopath, and all those in between--She has had just about all she can take. Why is it so hard to find love? One by one, each disappointment strips away at her self esteem until, at rock bottom, there is nothing left. Fighting to keep her sanity in the midst of hopelessness, Demita learns the hard way that love truly begins on the inside, and with a little faith, she begins the journey to putting the pieces of herself back together again.

Allow me to introduce myself…a phenomenon in my own orbit, I am an up and coming author debuting my first book entitled 'The Lion's Den'.
The Lion's Den is a memoir of my struggles with the insecurity, self-esteem, and pain that I endured throughout my journey to self discovery.
For many years I felt like I was less than what I was destined to be…and although I have yet to come into the fullness of it, it is by faith that I walk into what was meant to be mine.
I am an author. I am an entrepreneur. I am a woman.
I'm doing all that I can to make a difference in this world and do all that I was called to do.

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