Gayle Jackson Sloan

, Female


United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Gayle Jackson Sloan is a native of Philadelphia, but has lived in various places and has traveled extensively, helping to fuel her imagination for the people and places in her novels. Gayle has loved to read and write since she was four years old. Growing up, she used to write volumes of poetry that was inspired by the syncopated rhythms of Maya Angelo and the freestyle of Nikki Giovanni. Life, however, has a way of sometimes getting in the way and she put aside her poetry to raise her daughter. Encouraged by her mother and husband, she started two books that were still languishing in the bottom of a drawer. However, it wasn't until the passing of her beloved mother that she finally finished her first novel, Saturday's Child, which she first self-published.

Amid personal tragedies, upheavals, and general chaos, she struggled tenaciously to finish her second novel, Wednesday's Woes , which is a follow up -- not a sequel -- to her first novel. She attended Philadelphia University where she studied interior design. She is currently a legal assistant at a prestigious law firm. When she is not writing, reading or gardening, she is teaching her grandchildren to say "Nana is a Diva!"

Let the Necessary Occur is her third novel.

Expect her next novel, Dancin' In My Shoes, sometime next year!

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  • Tyora Moody, Tywebbin Creations

    Hi Gayle,

    I'm coordinating a virtual tour this month. Check out Illusions Blog Tour with Wanda B. Campbell (February 1-28, 2009)



  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

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    Bert Martinez

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  • Tonya Jones

    Blessings! Please check out the 2nd Annual Christian Book & Product Expo scheduled for Saturday May 16th, 2009:
    Minister Tonya