Elysabeth Eldering

62, Female

upper state South Carolin

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Ms. Eldering is an award winning author. Her stories "Train of Clues", "The Proposal", "Tulip Kiss", "Butterfly Halves", and "Zombies Amuck" have placed in a variety of contests. Her story "Bride-and-Seek" was selected for the South Carolina Writers' Workshop (SCWW) anthology, the Petigru Review. Her story "Train of Clues" is the predecessor to the Junior Geography Detective Squad, 50-state, mystery, trivia series. Ms. Eldering makes her home in upper state South Carolina and loves to travel, read, cross stitch and crochet. When she's not busy working her full-time job as a medical transcriptionist or participating in virtual classroom visits, she can be found at various homeschool or book events. Working with the sixth grade class via the internet, Ms. Eldering has been given license to teach the point-of-view lessons, incorporating the fractured fairy tales. She has also done several writing workshops on writing at various homeschool conferences and school librarian conferences.

Elysabeth was asked to create and edit a storyline for the Magazine of Unbelievable Stories (now defunct) with past issues still available through amazon.com.

In 2007, Elysabeth volunteered to judge mid length stories submitted for the Derringers Awards.

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  • Linda L Wagner

    Thank you Elysabeth for showing me this. I had seen it, but didn't think it would have received a google alert. Is there any way, that I can get posted on your blog about my book?

  • Pamela Charlene Walden

    Thank you Elysabeth for noting I had placed my e-mail address in the website space. I am still learning computer, blog terminology and how to use it appropriately.
  • Pamela Charlene Walden

    My PH is by invitation only and I am unable to locate my url, I am having a website built now and I will let you know when it is up. When it is up I will be glad to give it to you.