Lynda J. Sanders

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Something About Me and My Book:
She can write the story, direct the play, run the video camera, and control audio sound, direct the choir and teach the music. You'll also see her dabbling in snapping pictures on her camera. She has led school assemblies, conducted graduations, created after-school programs, worked as a camp counselor and assistant group supervisor. Who is this multi-talented person, Lynda J. Sanders. Someone that has learned several skills without a degree. Instead God has been Lynda's teacher throughout her life. Lynda has a deep concern for the lives of the youth especially young women. She uses what is inside of her to encourage young women and young men to reach inside themselves to step up to the plate and excel. A praying woman Lynda is married to Mack a survivor who has been stricken with meningitis, has had four brain surgeries, has diabetes and blood pressure. Her personal Jewels are her gifted children Taressa and Mack-check out As a writer Lynda's accomplishments are three plays, Hosanna-He reigns Forever, Let's Celebrate, One touch from the Master with more to come. Her goal is to utilize her writing gift to inspire, teach, motivate and empower the world to use their gifts and talents to impact the world. Lynda has begun her self publishing journey but was led astray by incorrect assistance for publishing co she worked with. Her novel was to be released November of last year. That process fell through. So she has revamped her manuscript and beginning again with a new staff. She is in the process of seeking a new printing co. Her "Secrets of an Angel" is a sensual, fictional novel about love, seduction, murder and how God forgives and continues to love and use people even when they mess up.

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  • Tonya Jones

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    Minister Tonya Jones
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  • Karen Kennedy

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