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Something About Me and My Book:
My Time To Shine " I envision a place in this world where one day my work will be appreciate by millions. A time where I will see my name and my creation place on the marquee for millions to see surrounded by friends and supporters in the quest for something of this importance to come to life. This is my push and my drive for greatness. Should I be the only person to bask in the glow of achievement so be it. I will do whatever it takes to accomplish this feat that I set before me. To those that are waiting for me to falter in defeat, don't hold your breath. My life and time is now, so step aside." J R Turner II - Author J R Turner II is the man with a mission. He is a man , an ordinary middle age African American male, with a purpose to reach the mountain top, to grasp the brass ring, to make it to the finish line in this race. Not having letters behind his name from an university, J R Turner II was given a gift by God. This is gift to write and tell a story that would affect someone, anyone , everyone that would take time to read them. He is a man that has a heart full of compassion and creativity. "Standing In The Rain" was his first biggest accomplishment to have published and in distribution all over the world on July 2006. This was only the beginning for many more to come. His next exciting novel "Standing In The Rain- Reflections" which will be available this coming fall 2007 is the second addition to a three part series of the theme and storyline which he created on the life of a father, Raymond and his estranged daughter, Kaveya. J R storyline is design to relate to anyone that read and reflex upon it. He leave room for the reader to express his or her own opinion on the subject that is being projected through his writing. Key issues everyone can relate to are address with a touch of humor added for flavor. His final insertion "Standing In The Rain- Kaveya's Heart" will conclude this epic which the main characters will endure a series of life changing situations that would affect each of them differently. Many other projects will become a reality for the reader in the incoming years. i want to be surrounded by people thaat are very smart and creative that would give me the added push to where i am striving to go.

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  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the network. Write a blog post. Join in the various forum conversations. Thanks for coming.