Barbara Williamson-Wood

78, Female

Big Timber

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I have published two books, THROUGH MY EYS and INNER TRAPPINGS. Both are listed at Currently workingon completing4 otherbooks. Iam also co founder of an advocate group called WINGS. i have not had muych sales since my marketing has not been thatgood. Alsomyhealth has put the reins onme in getting things done..

Comment Wall:

  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Nice to have a fellow author as a friend--always. I see that you think your marketing hasn't been that good. Often it's expensive to get good marketing. That's why I wrote THE FRUGAL BOOK PROMOTER. It's discounted at Amazon and that's pretty good but it's even cheaper as an e-book at Sorry, I wouldn't have mentioned it except that you did. (-: Good luck!

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Just know this will give you lots of ways to promote by sitting right in front of your computer. And it is designed so that you can pick and choose what works for you in terms of pocketbook and interests, too. (-: In fact, there's a whole chapter on promoting by writing! Can you believe?

    Glad you are trying!
  • Heidi M. Thomas

    I'm a former Montanan. Grew up in eastern MT near Jordan & lived in Missoula until 13 years ago when we moved to WA state.

    Hope your health is better now.