Leeanne Marie Stephenson

, Female

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Leeanne Marie Stephenson

“Nicole looked into Travis’s piercing blue eyes and gasped upon seeing the flames of passion and desire reflected in them. With a moan, Travis’s mouth came down possessively upon her soft yielding lips. She sighed and molded her body into his, letting go of her self-control.”
Do you desire a consuming, ridiculous, can’t live without you love? Then this is the story for you!!
Head Nurse, Nicole Danley RN, does not intend to permit herself to fall under Dr. Travis Anderson’s spell, but her job demands that she work closely with him on medical matters. She finds herself becoming extremely conscious of his virile appeal. Every time his gaze meets hers, Nicole’s heart turns over in response. A war of undeniable feelings rages inside her as she finds his constant nearness disturbing and exciting. Emotions run rampant in this raw passionate journey amidst a world of wealth, prestige, and privilege, interlaced with breath taking life and death hospital scenarios. This hard to put down read allows your fantasies to be indulged within this enticing, steamy, sensual romance!!

For more information and to purchase this book, go to:
ISBN# 1424165075

My introduction into the world of medical professionals started at the age of six. I was diagnosed with “brittle diabetes”, and spent the majority of my childhood in the hospital. Doctors, nurses, and nutritionists impressed me with their patience, sensitivity and positive can do attitudes. They taught me how to balance my food intake and insulin injections so I could lead a “somewhat” normal life. The professionalism these people displayed made me realize that I wanted to be part of this care giving community. Therefore, I became a Registered Nurse. After graduating with honors from Mercy Central School of Nursing, (Grand Rapids, MI), I secured a position as a Registered Nurse at Blodgett Hospital, (Grand Rapids, MI). Over the next ten years, I married my high school sweetheart and started a family. Periodically I changed jobs to meet the demands of parenthood and family life.
Then my life took a dramatic turn as I was diagnosed with kidney failure due to my diabetes. The prognosis was less than promising. As my physical condition deteriorated, I was forced to give up my career as a nurse. Fatigue and weakness encompassed my entire world as I underwent dialysis treatments. Once again, I was on the receiving end of medical care. Desperate and determined to still be part of this wonderful profession, I started writing a romance novel based on the experiences I had encountered as a nurse. When the days that lie ahead of me seemed impossible to face, I did not allow my tears to compromise my strength. Instead of giving up, during the darkest time in my life, I drew on the love that surrounded me from my wonderful husband and family to write this loving story. When I wrote, I was released from my physical problems and taken back into the world of nursing, which I loved so much. Romantic stories can always release us from the problems of real life. They send us into a fantasy world where our imaginations can soar. I strove to take my readers and myself into that world. Thus was born my book, “A PRESCRIPTION FOR LOVE”.
This book is so very special because it represents the strong love I had surrounding me, and what I could accomplish because of it, during the lowest point in my life.
Then a huge blessing was bestowed upon me and I was given the gift of life by my brother. He donated his kidney to me! I cannot begin to tell you how much better I felt. I had been given a second chance at life and I embraced it wholeheartedly! I set about getting my book published and relating my story. I wanted everyone to hear what I had learned. I wanted to give hope and inspiration with my story to those whose lives seem overwhelming hopeless.
To sum it up,the one driving force in my life was to be there for my family, especially my precious children. I had to continue and be a strong role model for them. I demonstrated to them that when adversity is overwhelming, you still have to endure. Getting ahead in a difficult situation requires an avid faith in oneself. I did just that by reaching deep inside myself and drawing on my core values of perseverance and unfaltering resolve to overcome the obstacles in my life and accomplish one of my dreams!
“A PRESCRIPTION FOR LOVE” by Leeanne Marie Stephenson
is a hot new romance novel that takes the reader through a pulse quickening, purely sensual experience. Emotions run rampant in this raw passionate journey amidst a world of wealth, prestige, and privilege, interlaced with breath taking life and death hospital scenarios. Love consumes the characters in hungry desire, leading to moments of uncontrolled passion. This hard to put down read is an escape into a world of steamy, enticing, sensual romance. You will wish that this intriguing tale will never end! You will not be disappointed!
For more information and to order go to:

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  • Fernando Sobenes

    Hello Leeanne. My name is Fernando Sobenes and I want to invite you to read the prologue and the first two chapters of my novel: "The Evil Visitor" in my blog The Evil Visitor

    Also you can watch the book trailer.

    Best regards,
