Douglas Quinn

, Male

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Something About Me and My Book:
I have written three novels: The Catalan Gambit and The Spanish Game, both Suspense/Thrillers. A third and final book in this trilogy is on the drawing board. My just-released novel, the first of a new recurring-character-driven series is Blue Heron Marsh: A Webb Sawyer Mystery.

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  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

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  • Ken K. Chartrand

    I have three books in the marketplace: "Tag...You're Dead" a murder mystery/romance.(adult general readers) - "A Martian's Dream of Christmas" a children's book for those older kids 9 to 12, - "Days of the Unicorn King" my best seller for kids 10 and up, but even adults loved it for its adventure , and wonder and magic. I am currently looking for an agent for my next novel.
  • Kate L

    I just wanted to introduce myself and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People. Check it out at <a href=""></a>