Betty Dravis


Manteca, CA

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
BETTY DRAVIS was born in Hamilton, Ohio, one of seven children of John and Felda Barger. Her natural writing ability was nurtured by a "great Ohio school system, caring teachers, and a loving family."

She is a sensitive writer, adept in many genres. Her most recent novel is DREAM REACHERS (Von Chase Publishing). DR is a collection of celebrity interviews, including Clint Eastwood and others. See below. Other books: 1106 GRAND BOULEVARD (Just My Best Publishing, March 2006). It's an epic romantic thriller/family drama about her beautiful older sister and her seven marriages. Her second novel, THE TOONIES INVADE SILICON VALLEY (JMB Publishing, April, 2005), is a young adult fantasy adventure (geared for adults, as Harry Potter was). Her debut novel is an adult mystery adventure titled MILLENNIUM BABE: THE PROPHECY, December 2000. (To read a brief synopsis and first chapter of each book, please visit the BOOKS section on my website.)

"Dream Reachers" is a magical mix of success stories and interviews with people who have dared to stretch to reach for their dreams. From living legends to legends-in-the-making, the subjects of this book let their imaginations soar. Author Betty Dravis shares her experiences as a young journalist when her idols, like Clint Eastwood and Jane Russell, walked right out of the limelight and into her life...for brief, memorable moments. Author Chase Von, a celebrity interviewer and poet, shares his current interviews with high achievers in the arts: acting, writing, painting, photography, music and dance. As these achievers tell you in their own words why they kept stretching to reach their dreams, they enchant the readers with their determination, inspiring them to DREAM BIG. With over forty compelling stories and interviews, this literary work casts new light on what it takes to be a Dream Reacher. These are stories of how even disasters can turn into dreams, challenges into opportunities, with the right attitude of perseverance and determination. Whether you dream of walking the red carpet in Hollywood, taking the Big Apple by storm, having a cottage with a white picket fence––or all of those pleasures––this book will inspire you to “stretch” to make your dreams come true.

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